Dishwasher Not Washing? 2 Problems It May Have

If you remove your dishes from your dishwasher and they are not clean or if the dishwasher is having other problems, you may be able to repair it. This does depend on the problem, however, as there are some problems that are not worth repairing but instead it is best to purchase a new dishwasher. It also depends on how old your dishwasher is, as it should last approximately seven to 12 years. Read More 

Benefits Of Buying Point Of Sale Systems For Your Business

If your business is to function at its peak efficiency, your employees will need to have access to modern tools for completing their jobs. Unfortunately, some business leaders may not fully appreciate the benefits of purchasing a modern POS system for their employees, and this can cause them to miss out on several important advantages. Detailed Reporting Having accurate and detailed information about your business will be essential for allowing you to make informed decisions about its daily operations. Read More 

Repair And Clean A Used Freezer Chest

If you purchased a used freezer chest from a yard sale and the appliance has a torn rubber seal and loose handle, the following project will instruct you how to repair the appliance. Afterward, clean the chest's exterior and interior before storing food inside of the freezer compartment.  Materials pieces of wood utility knife tape measure cordless drill bleach detergent water spray bottle microfiber cloths hardware step ladder Remove The Rubber Seal And Clean The Base Of The Door Read More 

How To Clean The Water And Ice Dispenser On Your Refrigerator

The exterior water and ice dispenser on your refrigerator is a great convenience to have. You can get cubes of ice in your glass, or icy cold water at the press of a button - on demand any time you want. The downside to this convenience is the buildup of calcium from hard water that can accumulate around the water tube, or the mold/mildew that can build up in the ice dispenser. Read More 

Top Features To Look For In A Washing Machine That Will Give You A Long Life Of Service

In the average home setting, a washing machine will last you roughly 14 years according to SFGate. However, if you are like most consumers, you will find yourself replacing your washing machine much sooner than that, which can be costly and frustrating. If you are tired of investing in a new washing machine way too often, it may be time to consider investing some money in a top-of-the-line washing machine model that is specifically designed to give users a longer life of service. Read More